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How to start journaling for mental health: 10 tips and techniques

Feb 18,2024 | EvokeMuse

Journaling is the practice of keeping a diary or personal log to record thoughts, feelings, and daily events. While journaling has been around for centuries, it has re-emerged as a popular activity for boosting mental health and wellbeing. The simple act of writing out one's innermost thoughts and external experiences on a regular basis provides numerous cognitive and emotional benefits. These include reducing stress and anxiety, facilitating emotional processing, achieving self-awareness and personal growth, and enhancing overall mental health.Here's a look at the benefits of journaling and 10 tips for practical advice on how to start and stick to a daily routine.


Understanding the Benefits of Journaling

Improves Mental Well-being

Keeping a personal journal allows you to manage emotions, reduce stress, cope with challenges, and gain mental clarity. The act of writing accesses the analytical part of your brain, calming the emotional part. Regular journaling also enables you to track mental health patterns, recognize destructive thought loops, and build self-awareness.  


Strengthens the Immune System and Aids Recovery 

Studies show expressive writing strengthens immune cells and facilitates faster recovery from surgery. Journaling about stressful events also helps improve lung and liver function.


Enhances Gratitude and Positivity 

Journaling allows you to reflect on meaningful experiences and cultivate gratitude. Keeping a gratitude journal enhances optimism, life satisfaction and happiness by shifting perspective to focus on positive aspects.


Facilitates Personal Growth and Goal Achievement 

Journaling fosters self-awareness, clarifies beliefs and aspirations, and aids progression towards goals. Tracking goals and obstacles in a journal leads to personal accountability, motivation and greater understanding of oneself.


Understanding the Benefits of Journaling

Improves Mental Well-being

Keeping a personal journal allows you to manage emotions, reduce stress, cope with challenges, and gain mental clarity. The act of writing accesses the analytical part of your brain, calming the emotional part. Regular journaling also enables you to track mental health patterns, recognize destructive thought loops, and build self-awareness.  

Strengthens the Immune System and Aids Recovery 

Studies show expressive writing strengthens immune cells and facilitates faster recovery from surgery. Journaling about stressful events also helps improve lung and liver function.

Enhances Gratitude and Positivity 

Journaling allows you to reflect on meaningful experiences and cultivate gratitude. Keeping a gratitude journal enhances optimism, life satisfaction and happiness by shifting perspective to focus on positive aspects.

Facilitates Personal Growth and Goal Achievement 

Journaling fosters self-awareness, clarifies beliefs and aspirations, and aids progression towards goals. Tracking goals and obstacles in a journal leads to personal accountability, motivation and greater understanding of oneself.


10 helpful tips and techniques 

Set aside regular journaling time  

One of the most important things when developing a journaling habit is to set aside a regular time to write. Consistency is key when trying to make journaling a part of your routine. If you want to journal for your mental health, try to be intentional about scheduling it into your day. Look at your current schedule and identify a 15-30 minute window that could become your standard journaling time. Maybe it's first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, or before bed - find what works best and dedicate that slot for reflective writing. Having a constant time to look forward to will make sticking with the practice much easier.

Find a journaling method you enjoy 

When starting a journaling practice, it's important to find a method you genuinely enjoy. Traditional pen and paper journals work for many, but writing on a computer or recording audio entries are also great options. If you're technology-inclined, use a notes app on your phone or set up a private digital journal. Experiment by writing long-form entries in a notebook but also leaving short voice memos during your day. See what feels most cathartic and sustainable over time. The key is customizing your journaling approach to suit your personal preferences. Whether typed, handwritten, recorded, or a mix, the most vital part is that the process resonates with you emotionally and feels helpful.

Start where you are—no need to go into your past 

When first adopting a journaling practice, it's perfectly fine to focus your writing on the present. While some journal to work through past traumas, diving into painful personal histories can feel overwhelming for beginners. Rather than exerting pressure to chronicle your life from birth, allow yourself to start right where you are today. Use journal entries to process current thoughts, opinions, emotions, experiences and observations. There is tremendous value in even quick check-ins about your mental state, goals or appreciation of daily moments. Staying grounded in the present will allow journaling to feel manageable as a new habit, avoiding unnecessary heavy lifting.

Get comfortable expressing emotions

Journaling presents a unique opportunity to privately express, process, and validate your full range of emotions. Rather than keeping feelings bottled up or dismissing them as silly, use journal entries to help name what you’re experiencing in a non-judgmental way. Be honest about any anger, grief, anxiety, jealousy, fear, joy, gratitude or other emotions that arise. Resist critiquing your feelings from an editorial standpoint. Instead, embrace journaling as a space to give your uncensored thoughts and feelings room to breathe. Leaning into emotional expression serves mental health in profound ways. Studies show that openly processing emotions reduces rumination while reframing unhelpful thought patterns. Tracking feelings in a journal can reveal insightful connections between life events and emotional reactions over time as well. With practice, journaling facilitates immense emotional freedom and release.

Be authentic and honest with yourself 

One of the greatest gifts journaling offers is the freedom to be wholly authentic with yourself. Unlike performative social media posts curated for an audience, journal entries serve no one except you. Give yourself full permission to be candid, honest and unafraid in your private writing. Resist the urge to censor seemingly irrelevant details, criticize your thought patterns or tidy up the messy edges of your inner world. Let your observations and accounts sit transparently on the page, even in their chaos. Write as though no one will read the words except your future self. It is in that authentic space that deeper self-awareness takes root, flawed parts are brought into the light for growth, and you foster compassion for the full spectrum of your internal landscape. By dropping the pretense and showing up genuinely, journaling becomes the nurturing confidant you deserve to help process life’s complexities and unlock profound healing.

Practice mindfulness techniques 

Combining journaling with mindfulness techniques can be highly effective for mental health. Mindful journaling means writing while simultaneously practicing non-judgmental, present-moment awareness of your thoughts, emotions and physical sensations. Rather than getting caught up in rumination about the past or future when journaling, consciously anchor yourself in the here and now. You can achieve this by writing descriptive passages about sensory details you notice during your practice session. Document sights, sounds, tastes, smells and tactile sensations in your environment. Also tap into your inner landscape by cataloguing any feelings or physical responses that arise as you write. Let go of analyzing these observations as they happen. Simply acknowledge them with open curiosity. This mindfulness-infused journaling grounds you in your direct experience, quieting mental chatter to reveal profound insights. The practice ultimately reduces anxiety while unlocking your inner wisdom.


Reframe negative thought patterns 

Journaling presents a valuable opportunity to notice negative thought patterns and intentionally reframe them into more accurate, balanced perspectives. When reviewing your entries, pay attention to any cognitive distortions that commonly arise - things like all-or-nothing thinking, catastrophizing, emotional reasoning, labeling, mental filtering or overgeneralization. For example, you might automatically jump to exaggerated worst-case scenarios, habitually categorize experiences in extremes of good/bad, latch onto single failures as proof of incompetence, or regularly ignore positive events that contradict negative assumptions.  Make note when these irrational, skewed mental habits surface. Then, actively challenge their validity by writing out thoughtful reality checks. Consider more moderate, truthful assessments of the situation or your abilities. Perhaps re-contextualize through a lens of growth instead of futility. You could even list factual evidence that counteracts the distortion. This process of identifying warped thinking and purposefully shifting perspective aligns with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy techniques. Over time, consciously reframing thoughts via journaling can transform negative neural associations into more balanced, empowering ones.

Set goals and track progress

Your journal offers the perfect forum to set goals related to your mental health progress and actively monitor your advancement. Use it to articulate specific, measurable targets to strive towards, based around desired skills, habits, attitudes or behaviors that support your wellbeing. For example, you might set a goal to restructure negative self-talk twice a week, practice a new stress management technique daily, or express gratitude in three journal entries per week. Quantifying your aims creates defined elements to work on incrementally and celebrate victories along the way. As you journal over time, check in on how you are tracking towards your goals through insightful observations. Adjust milestones as needed if initial targets feel unrealistic. Seeing the journal as an intentional mental health tracker fosters self-compassion as you uncover stuck points requiring alternative strategies. Most importantly, use it to acknowledge and affirm all upward strides, no matter how small. Simple effort and investment in your goals deserves abundant praise through this written record.

Make self-care part of your journal practice

Integrating self-care practices into your regular journaling habits allows you to simultaneously vent feelings, map out a nurturing routine and notice the mental health impacts over time. Use journal entries to explore your current perception of personal self-care. What limiting beliefs arise around “selfishness” or lack of time? How might past neglect of your needs be contributing to present overwhelm? Get reflective about what your soul truly requires to thrive, from rest to healthy food to sensory pleasures. Record helpful brainstorms for sustainable self-care goals that energize rather than deplete you. Choose one or two to integrate into each day, using your journal to document how you tending to your needs. When you slip up, respond with compassion rather than criticism. Over weeks, assess how enhanced focus on self-nourishment affects your mood regulation, resilience, personal growth, productivity and inner peace. Use these insights to celebrate and justify lasting self-care habits that serve your whole being.


Wrap Up

The benefits of incorporating journaling for mental health are far-reaching, from managing unwanted emotions and anxiety to achieving post-surgery healing gains. Yet you'll only experience these remarkable advantages by taking the plunge. Be encouraged that just 5-10 minutes of daily writing can yield positive mental health changes over time. Start small without pressure for eloquent prose. Simply grab your notebook or device and chronicle your uncensored thoughts and feelings as they arise. Wherever you are in your wellness journey, journaling can serve as an invaluable compass pointing toward emotional clarity and personal growth. The time for self-discovery starts now—with your first entry.


