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The Benefits of Journaling for Anxiety and Mental Health

Nov 09,2023 | EvokeMuse

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues faced by many people today. It can significantly impact daily functioning and overall wellbeing. Finding effective strategies to manage anxiety is crucial for improving mental health. One technique that has been shown to help reduce anxiety symptoms and improve mental health is journaling.


In this article, we will explore the benefits of keeping a journal for anxiety and mental health. We’ll look at how writing can help manage anxiety, improve mood, increase self-awareness, and provide an emotional outlet. Research supporting the advantages of journaling will be discussed. You’ll also find tips on how to start a journaling habit, suggested journal prompts for anxiety, and additional resources for managing mental health.

Understanding Anxiety and Mental Health

Anxiety refers to excessive worry or fear that is difficult to control and interferes with daily activities. Symptoms include restlessness, muscle tension, fatigue, trouble concentrating, irritability, and sleep disturbance. Anxiety can manifest in different disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, phobias, and panic disorder.


When anxiety becomes excessive, ongoing, and debilitating, it can significantly impact a person’s mental health and quality of life. High levels of anxiety are associated with depression, substance abuse, and suicide risk. Finding constructive ways to manage anxiety is key for supporting mental health.

Benefits of Journaling for Anxiety and Mental Health

1.  How Journaling Can Help Manage Anxiety

Journaling provides several advantages that directly aid with anxiety management. Writing helps individuals identify personal triggers and patterns related to their anxiety. This increases self-awareness and helps develop strategies for coping.

Releasing worried thoughts onto paper can ease rumination. Journaling allows people to examine their anxieties in a calm objective manner rather than being consumed by them. The act of journal for writing things down can help restore a sense of control. Maintaining a journal can also track progress in managing anxiety over time.

Additional benefits include emotional processing, decreasing isolation, problem-solving, and practicing mindfulness. The simple act of acknowledging one's anxieties through writing helps many people feel less overwhelmed by them. Journaling can help manage anxiety by providing an emotional outlet, clarity, and a sense of empowerment.

2.  The Positive Impact of Journaling on Mental Health

Studies show journaling results in significant mental health benefits beyond just managing anxiety. Expressive writing has been found to reduce symptoms of depression, improve life satisfaction, lower stress, and promote emotional well-being. Those who journaled about stressful events reported a decrease in illness. Writing about positive life experiences can also boost happiness and gratitude.


Research has discovered that journaling helps people process emotions, gaining insight into behaviors, thoughts, and triggers. This positively impacts mental health by increasing self-awareness and allowing people to adjust negative thought patterns. Journaling enhances coping skills, problem-solving abilities, and sense of self-efficacy. The reflection it provides creates positive psychology changes from a subjective level. Overall, studies demonstrate journaling strengthens mental health on many dimensions.

3.  Research and Evidence on the Benefits of Journaling

Decades of university research support the use of journaling for anxiety relief and mental health:

  • A 2011 meta-analysis published in the Review of General Psychology analyzed 146 studies on expressive writing. It concluded that journaling consistently leads to significant health benefits both psychologically and physically.

  • A study in the Journal of Traumatic Stress in 2013 found that expressive writing after trauma improved anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms more than fact-based writing.

  • University students who engaged in expressive writing had fewer illness visits to the health center according to a 2005 study in the British Journal of Health Psychology.

  • A 2015 study in Psychiatry Research showed journaling decreased anxiety and negative thinking patterns among patients in substance abuse recovery.

  • Research published in Behaviour Research and Therapy in 2017 demonstrated that gratitude journaling led to less anxiety and depression compared to simply recording daily events.

The empirical evidence continues to demonstrate that regular journaling effectively reduces anxiety, lowers stress, increases coping abilities, and improves overall mental health and well-being.

How to Start an Anxiety Journal

Beginning a journaling habit takes some preparation and commitment. Here are some tips for getting started:

Choose a Journaling Method

Selecting the right journaling approach for your needs and preferences will make the process feel more natural and rewarding. Consider these journal formats:

  • A paper journal or diary allows you to handwrite entries. This can feel more emotional and tangible. Choose a quality notebook you enjoy writing in.

  • Digital journals via an app or website provide more privacy and security. They also allow keyword tracking and data analysis. Evernote, DayOne, and Penzu are popular options.

  • Guided journals have prompts and structured formatting. These can provide more direction if you ever feel stuck. The Five Minute Journal and The Worry Journal are examples.

  • Free writing just means writing freely without restrictions. Flow unfiltered thoughts to paper. This raw journal style is very expressive.

  • Bullet journaling uses symbols and shorthand to log information. This method combines journaling with list making and rapid logging.

See what journaling format aligns best with your personality and needs. It may take some experimentation to discover your ideal journaling approach.

Create a Journaling Space

Set up a designated spot where you can journal in peace. Make it a location you associate with calmness and reflection. Choose a quiet space with minimal distractions and noise. Having a chair, desk, lighting, and supplies setup just for journaling can help establish the practice. Some people enjoy journaling outside in nature. Find what environment works best for you.

Schedule Regular Journal Times

To make journaling an ongoing habit, schedule it into your routine like any other activity. Dedicate at least 10 minutes daily for journaling or longer sessions 2-3 times per week. Consistency is key in order to experience the anxiety relief benefits. Morning and evening often work best for journaling. Identify times of day you feel focused. Calendar journaling sessions if needed.

Begin Writing

Start journaling by setting a timer for 5-10 minutes and just write freely about whatever comes to mind. Don’t overthink it. Avoid heavy editing or filtering your thoughts. The idea is to express your feelings and thoughts on paper. Let words flow without judgement. Phrases like “I’m feeling...” or “Today I...” can help initiate writing. Date each entry so you can track patterns over time.

Journal Prompts for Anxiety and Mental Health

Using journal prompts can provide inspiration and structure when you feel stuck or overwhelmed. Here are more prompts to help manage anxiety:

  • What do I feel is out of my control right now? How can I regain some sense of control?

  • Which relaxation practices help me most when I feel anxious (deep breathing, visualizing a calming place, distraction techniques)?

  • Is there a calming phrase or mantra I can repeat when I notice anxiety building?

  • Can I identify recurrent negative thoughts that amplify my anxiety? How might I reframe them?
  • What are small manageable steps I can take to tackle bigger sources of anxiety?

  • How can I practice being present and mindful when I start to feel anxious?

  • What obstacles are preventing me from reducing sources of stress and anxiety? How can I overcome them?

  • Who are supporters I can reach out to when anxiety feels overwhelming?

  • What personal strengths have helped me manage anxieties and challenges in the past?

  • When anxiety hijacks my mind, how can I separate myself from the thoughts without judgment?

  • What positive activities reliably improve my mood when I’m feeling anxious or low?

  • What am I looking forward to in the upcoming days or weeks?

  • What did I accomplish today that I can feel good about?

  • What act of self-care can I do right now to comfort myself?

Using journal prompts provides direction when you feel overwhelmed by anxiety. Prompts also develop introspection and coping skills over time. Date each prompt so you can track changes in perspective. Refer back to prompts that were particularly helpful. Journaling is most effective when done regularly, even when you don’t feel anxious in the moment. Sticking with it can have profound anxiety management benefits.

Additional Resources for Anxiety and Mental Health

While journaling is a helpful tool, managing ongoing anxiety often requires a multifaceted approach:

  • Seek professional counseling and therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is highly effective for teaching anxiety management skills and identifying distorted thought patterns. Therapy provides objective guidance and support.

  • Join an anxiety support group either locally or online. Connecting with others facing similar struggles can help you feel less alone. Groups provide a judgment-free space to share coping strategies. They also create community and accountability.

  • Make relaxation practices part of your daily routine, such as deep breathing, visualization, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, yoga, or mindfulness. Regular relaxation lowers stress hormones and calms the mind and body.

  • Maintain healthy routines like exercising for 30 minutes daily, eating a balanced nutritious diet, limiting alcohol, and keeping a regular sleep schedule. This regulates emotions, boosts mood, and reduces anxiety symptoms.

  • Limit intake of caffeinated drinks which can heighten feelings of panic and agitation for those with anxiety disorders.

  • Be mindful of recreational screen time. While phones and internet can be useful distractions, excessive use can negatively impact mental health. Unplug and look for offline activities.

  • Explore books, workbooks, podcasts, and apps with information on managing anxiety through lifestyle changes, CBT techniques, and more. Learning tools can supplement therapy.

  • Try supplements like magnesium, omega-3s, or adaptogenic herbs which may help stabilize mood. Consult a doctor first.

  • Spend more time outdoors as nature has calming effects on the nervous system. Go for walks, hike, or try grounding techniques.

  • Express creativity through art, music, crafts, or writing for an uplifting outlet. Creative flow reduces anxiety.

  • Practice self-care basics like getting enough sleep, taking relaxing baths, or receiving massages to regulate your nervous system.

With anxiety, be patient and kind toward yourself. Recovery is a process. Continually build your toolbox with journaling, therapy, lifestyle changes, and other resources to manage symptoms. Support is available.


In conclusion, journaling has been found to have significant benefits for those suffering from anxiety and mental health issues. Writing helps reduce stress, increase emotional regulation, improve self-awareness and mood, and aid problem solving skills. Developing a consistent journaling habit can empower individuals to better manage anxiety symptoms and improve overall wellbeing.

While journaling alone may not be enough, it is an accessible and proven self-care approach for supporting mental health. The simple act of regularly writing down your thoughts and feelings can have profound anxiety relief effects. It only takes a few minutes a day to start experiencing the benefits.

Be patient with the process, utilize prompts as needed, and complement your journaling practice with other professional support and self-care strategies. Lastly, be kind to yourself throughout your mental health journey. With commitment and compassion, techniques like journaling can help you effectively manage anxiety and thrive.


